Monday, August 24, 2015

Wooden Block Halloween Countdown Calendar Craft

I found some wooden alphabet blocks in the 3 dollar section of Target to use as countdown calendar cubes.  

I teach several classes with a very low budget so I thought this might be a less expensive way to teach the project.  

I have seen the unpainted wood for sale at craft stores and it's around $5.00 each.  This is less than $1.00 per student.
You will need:
Wooden blocks
Acrylic paint
Mod Podge
 5/8" Circle Paper Punch and paper cutter
Scrapbook Paper
Printable Numbers and Days Til Halloween

Start by painting the block edges - you can paint the whole block, but you don't have to.

While those are drying paint the base - I made the base out of wooden stakes that I bought in a bundle at a home improvement store.  They are 1 1/2" wide and 3/4" high.  I cut them with a Mitre Saw into about 3" strips.

I could get 3 bases out of one stake.

Once these are all painted they can dry while you select your paper backgrounds and punch out the numbers.

I used scrapbook paper in one inch strips, which I then cut into one inch squares with my paper cutter.  
Then I printed my numbers on orange paper and punched the numbers out with the 5/8" circle punch.
There is a jpeg of the numbers and the words at the end of this post

I printed mine on orange card stock (numbers) and scrapbook paper (Words).

Once the blocks are dry mod podge a square of scrapbook paper onto the block, then add the number over the top.

The first block should have 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5  The second block should have 6 (inverted also 9), 7, 8, 0, 1, 2

When you are finished with the number blocks, mod podge Days 'Til Halloween onto your painted base.

That's it - All done - and it can be used year after year.

Jpeg Letters and Numbers:

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