Tuesday, April 25, 2017

No Sew Whale Pillow

I'm teaching a Summer Camp with an Ocean theme so wanted to do one of my pillows with my students.  They seem to really like making these each Summer.  This is the first time I've done a shape other than a circle and it took awhile to come up with a pattern that works and still looks like a whale!

You will need:
Polar fleece
Googly Eyes or Buttons
Fabric Glue

Start out by tracing the pattern onto the fleece, I use a metallic Sharpie on dark colors.
Here is the pattern, it is two 8 1/2 X 11" pages and once assembled will fit on a 12" X 18" paper.

The Head just barely fits, just connect the two lines at the bottom.
Once you have the pattern created you'll need to make an even bigger one to allow for tying the edges.
Just trace around the pattern about 1 1/2" bigger.
Now trace the larger one onto the fleece.
Cut it out.  
I used a contrasting color for the back - you will need to cut out two of these in whatever colors you choose.
Now place both pieces of fleece on top of each other and put the smaller whale pattern on top.
You need to cut about 1 inch strips around the whale, going in about 1 1/2', it's OK to cut into the pattern a little.  The pattern gives you a guide for cutting the strips.
Remove the pattern and cut a 1/4" on the fold of each strip.

To tie the pillow take the tips of the strips and push them both through the opening you cut, pull them through evenly.

Leave the front of the whale open and stuff the pillow, then finish tying the strips.

Now you're ready to add an eye, mouth and a spout if you want to.

Using yarn make a mouth and glue it to the whale with the fabric glue.
Glue on the eye.
To make the spout I folded a length of yarn until it was 5 or 6 layers about a foot long and then tied it through one of the strips on top of the whale and trimmed it.

I think they will love their Whaley Soft and Cuddly Whale Pillow!

Whales from Camp:

Grandma Moses Snowscape Art Lesson

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