Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Neighborhood Art Project

A Stamping and Drawing lesson to go with the Mapping Unit in our 1st Grade, however I think this is also a great Fall Lesson for Harvest.

You will need:
Sponges cut into simple shapes
Tempra or Acrylic Paint
Pencils and Erasers

I bought sponges at the Dollar Store and cut them into shapes of trees, houses, yards and fields.

I folded the 12"X12" paper into thirds and demonstrated stamping with the sponges in 3 rows across and down.  This leaves room for roads and other details they may want to add.

The sponges stay with their color so the paint doesn't get all mixed up.

While this dries I'm going to show them some examples of other artist's work similar to this, such as Grandma Moses and Charles Wysocki

If you're in a hurry you can always use a blow drier to dry them faster.

 Grandma Moses, July 4th
Charles Wysocki, Black Birds Roost

Then the students will add all their details to their Neighborhood. 
I'm not going to talk to much about accuracy - it's from their imagination and they can use their "Artistic License"

If they know the names of their streets and their address they can add those too.

I'm going to let them draw until they are happy with their "Maps" or "Neighborhoods", adding whatever details they want to add.

Wonderful 1st Grade Student Work

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