Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sea Shell Bell Wind Chimes

This is a simple Summer Art Project!

I used Sisal Twine from the hardware store, a 2 1/2" terra cotta pot, pony beads and sea shells drilled with a hole.
I drilled the holes myself with a Dremel tool.  I quickly learned to pick the thinner shells for drilling and leave the thicker ones for another project.

  • First I folded a yard long length of twine in half and pushed the folded part through the upside down pot and into the hole in the bottom of the pot.  This creates a loop for hanging.  
  • I pulled one side of the twine until there was about a 4" loop at the top of the pot and a single length of string coming down from the pot.  I tied a simple overhand knot at the top of the hole in the pot with both strings and also below the hole with both strings.
  • The next step is to place a shell inside the pot for a clapper to ring against the pot edge.  Thread the twine through your chosen shell and tie a knot under the hole in the shell to hold it there.  If the twine gets too frayed for threading try putting some scotch tape around it or trim it.
  • Now simply choose as many pony beads and shells you want and complete your design.  Tying a knot under each hole or bead to hold it in place.
The final step is to paint a design or pattern on the pot.  
I used "Patio Paint" designed for outdoor use on terra cotta pots.  
I painted a wave pattern on the pot with a fine tipped brush and used a Sharpie to write the quote:  "My Body is Here, but My Heart is at The Beach", but you could do anything.

When you hang this outside it will RING in the wind and remind you of your last trip to the beach!

Gingerbread Man or Woman Ornaments Made out of Cinnamon Dough

This is a fun Winter or Holiday project!

I make a batch of Gingerbread people ahead of time and dry them before teaching this lesson.  That way they have a dry one to decorate.  They will roll and cut out their own to take home and dry themselves.

Cinnamon Dough
3/4 C Applesauce
1 C Cinnamon
2 Tbsp. white glue

Mix thoroughly and then knead the dough until it is smooth - adding more wet or dry ingredients if needed.

Roll out the dough and cut out your gingerbread shapes, punch a hole for hanging with a straw.
Set them aside to dry - turning them over after about 8 hours.  They smell amazing!

I used a little bit of cinnamon to keep the dough from sticking to the counter and the rolling pin.

Don't forget to punch a hole with a straw before they dry out to thread the ribbon through.

I used puffy fabric paint in red, green, pink and pearly white. They will need to do the interior designs first and the edges at the end.  I gave them a selection of buttons to choose from and the puffy paint holds them on.  A length of ribbon creates the hanger.

When I teach this lesson I read "Gingerbread Baby" by Jan Brett first.  Next I mix the dough with them watching, then they cut out their gingerbread person and punch the hole at the top for hanging.  Finally they put it on a paper plate with their name on it to take home.

After they do this we decorate the dry one.  The puffy paint needs a few hours to dry so we put that on the paper plate as well.

Then we have some gingerbread cookies for a snack and admire our creations!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

"If You Give A Mouse A Cookie" Mouse Puppet Art Project

This book by Laura Numeroff and Illustrated by Felicia Bond is so cute!  My kids loved it!  I thought it would be fun to create a Mouse Paper Bag Puppet to go with the story.  I'll read the story using my puppet.  Then the students can trace and cut the overalls, paws, ears, cookie and milk...  Because "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie"  he's going to want a glass of milk to go with it!

Here is the pattern you can print out:

I used colored card stock and a glue stick for the paper and tacky glue for the googly eyes, yarn whiskers, pom pom nose and overall buttons.
The base of the milk can be cut on a fold - that way you can just glue the edges and put the straw inside.

I'll make my own with them so they can see how it all goes together and where to draw the eyebrows, stitching, mouth, etc...  
There is a piece of pink under the flap of the bag for the inside of the mouth and the cookie or straw will fit inside if they want to pretend he's drinking his milk - or eating his cookie.

Lots of imaginative play can ensue once this little guy is complete!

Grandma Moses Snowscape Art Lesson

  I have always enjoyed the happy paintings done by Grandma Moses and it seemed like the perfect January art lesson. I did add our bigger mo...