Friday, January 8, 2016

No Sew Sock Penguin Tutorial

 I wanted to do a fun project for Winter and my students all loved the owls I made a few years ago.
With a few changes I came up with this little guy : )

What You'll Need:
Black socks
Black, white, orange felt
Googley eyes
Dried beans
Fabric glue

I found these socks at Target.  
They were the only ones I found without white or other colors stitched into them.
Cut them just before the heel.

Here is a jpeg for the felt shapes you'll need to cut-
Cut the feet on a fold.

Put a tablespoon or so of dried beans in the bottom of the sock and then a handful of polyfill.  
Make sure it stands up on it's own.
Glue the white onto the front of the sock with Fabri-Tac.

Fold the sides and front in at the top, pull the back down and over the front and sides and onto the white and glue it with Fabri Tac.  Hold it for a minute so it stays.
Now add the wings, feet, beak and eyes and you're done.  I put a drop of glue on the inside of the beak so it would stay folded, but still open up.

You can use a hot glue gun for this too, but I like the kids to glue their own and the hot glue gun is too dangerous for them to use.  Fabri Tac works really well, I have had kids carry these around in their backpacks for weeks and they don't come unglued.

Happy Winter!
Student Examples
I was featured on Fun Family Crafts

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